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Conferência de Sandra Lapointe

No dia 28 de agosto de 2014, quinta-feira, será realizada conferência da professora Sandra Lapointe (McMaster University/Canadá) intitulada
“Kant, Logic and the Analytic Tradition”. O evento, organizado pelo prof. Dirk Greimman, terá lugar na sala 510, bloco O, das 14 às 16 horas. Confira o resumo abaixo.


Kant, Logic and the Analytical Tradition

While they disagree on a range of issues, most recent contributions to the history of analytical philosophy resort to the idea that we stand in fiduciary relations and share intellectual commitments with analytical philosophers of the past, that analytical philosophy today is the outcome of a “tradition”. By contrast to what is the case in other subfields of the history of philosophy such traditionalist assumptions are not idle. They are involved in determining the object and scope of historical investigations, generating substantial disagreement concerning periodisation and relevance. This largely programmatic paper has three parts. In the first part, I explain what I take the traditionalist approach to the history of analytical philosophy to be and point to some problems. In the second part of the paper I give an example of the kind of misconceptions to which the traditionalist approach leads and argue that it should be questioned. This leads me, in the third part, to explain why a reassessment of our assumptions concerning periodisation and relevance should lead us to think of analytical philosophy as eminently post-Kantian and, in particular, to include in the study of its history consideration to the development of “logic” at the turn of the nineteenth century.

Saiba mais Sobre Sandra Lapointe (McMaster University)

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (PFI) integra o Instituto de Ciência Humanas e Filosofia (ICHF) da Universidade Federal Fluminense e oferece mestrado acadêmico na área de filosofia. O programa congrega dezoito docentes, entre membros permanentes e colaboradores, distribuídos em duas linhas de pesquisa: "Estética e filosofia da arte" e "História da filosofia". Os processos seletivos de ingresso ao mestrado têm lugar anualmente entre o primeiro e o segundo semestres letivos. Pós-Graduação em Filosofia
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