The coordinator and vice-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Philosophy are appointed by the Rector, who chooses from a list of three permanent members of the faculty, indicated by the community, in accordance with the rules of the General Regulation of Electoral Consultations (RGCE), approved by Resolution no. 104/97 of the University Council. The term of office is four years according to the General Regulations of the Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Luciene Pacheco
Mariana de Toledo Barbosa
Vladimir Vieira
Term of Office
nov/2021 – nov/2025
Students’ Representatives
Ádil Bulkool Bernstein | João Gabriel Rodrigues da Silva (president)
Bruno Fernandes Santos | Daniela Magioli (alternate)
Self-Assessment and Strategic Planning Committee (CAAPE)
The committee is responsible for planning, evaluating and monitoring the management of the program, proposing specific strategies and the creation of other committees with the aim of inducing aspects considered essential for its development. It is constituted by the coordinator and four professors, so that each line has a representative on the committee, in addition to the participation of the PFI secretary and a students’ representative.
Term of office set/2022-nov/2025
Mariana de Toledo Barbosa (president)
Vladimir Vieira
Danilo Marcondes
Alexandre Costa
André Yazbek
Scholarship and Student Monitoring Committee
The committee is responsible for establishing criteria for the distribution of scholarships, for proposing and verifying the application of criteria for student monitoring, assessing the academic progress of students in order to ensure compliance with the deadlines for graduation. It is constituted by the coordinator, a permanent professor nominated by the PFI board and a student nominated by theirs peers.
Term of office nov/2021-nov/2025
Mariana de Toledo Barbosa (president)
Alice Haddad
Daniela Magioli
Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Committee
The committee is responsible for proposing criteria and evaluating accreditation requests, as well as periodically analyzing re-accreditation requests from professors currently registered in the program. It is constituted by the PFI coordinator and vice-coordinator and another professor, appointed by the program’s board.
Term of office nov/2021-nov/2025
Mariana de Toledo Barbosa (president)
Vladimir Vieira
Diogo Gurgel | André Yazbek (alternate)
Evaluation of Student Production Committee
The committee is responsible for proposing, based on suggestions from professors, nominations for dissertations and theses to compete for awards.
Term of office nov/2021-nov/2025
Tereza Calomeni (president)
Patrick Pessoa
Marcus Reis
Diploma Recognition Committee
The committee is responsible for responding to requests for recognition of master’s and doctoral degrees submitted to the program.
Term of office jul/2023-nov/2025
Danilo Marcondes (president)
Guilherme Wyllie
André Yazbek
Internationalization Committee
The committee is responsible for proposing strategies to promote internationalization actions to be developed in the program.
Term of office nov/2021-nov/2025
Pedro Süssekind (presidente)
Júlia Telles
Celso Azar
Felipe Castelo Branco
Social Impact Committee
The committee is responsible for evaluating and proposing strategies to promote actions with social impact, including those focused on regional impact, especially regarding the students, which are the program’s target audience.
Term of office nov/2022-nov/2025
Marcus Reis (president)
Dirk Greimann
Bernardo Barros de Oliveira
Interdisciplinarity Committee
The committee is responsible for evaluating and proposing strategies that promote interdisciplinarity.
Term of office jul/2023-nov/2025
Fernando Sá Moreira (president)
Carla Rodrigues
Fabrina Magalhães
Representatives on Committees and Other Boards
Research Advisory Committee (CAP/PROPPI)
Carlos Tourinho
Danilo Marcondes